Thursday, February 4, 2010

Cheap Date/Family Fun

Big Boy Quinton Jones at the movies!

So, like most parents who have more bills then money, we are always looking for family activities that are fun and inexpensive....or better yet free! Well, we went to the movies, all 5 of us for a total of $10.00 and that includes a large bucket of popcorn..."Get out!!!" you say :0)

It's true... Husband is always looking things up(and I tell you we are prime for Jeopardy our heads are so full of useless, wonderful info) and he found a few $2.00 theatres. Yes folks, you heard right $2.00!! And hold on to your hats it gets better....on Tuesdays it's a whole dollar. So if you're thinking, "I've got a dollar, I've got a dollar, I've got a dollar... Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey!" You could actually go to a movie. We saved $32.00! Can it get better? For us it did...3 and under are free. We had no idea, so we paid $4.00 for tickets and decided that we could splurge on the popcorn for $6.00.

We saw Planet 51 and it was pretty cute. The boys really enjoyed it and were great but got a little ancy towards the did seem pretty long. To make it a bit harder to sit thru it was hotter than H~E~Double Hockey Sticks in there...which lead me to think maybe they only have to charge to make sure that the heating bill is paid for. LOL :oP

1 comment:

Anita said...

Oh how fun!!! I like going to the movies!