Saturday, April 5, 2008

~Meet the Averys~

Amber Dawn~Wife to one amazing husband, Mommie of 2 fabulous boys, Daughter, Granddaughter, Sister, Friend, Teacher, Student, Home Maker, Beauty Consultant, Lover of Life and Laughter.

Zacaria Lee~Wonderful Husband, Daddy, Big Brother, Son, Grandson, Friend, Provider, Teacher, Student, Baker, BBQER, Chef.

Xzavior Lee~ Almost 2 years old(6-13) Miracle #1, Climber Extroardinare, My Sunshine, Forever searching, exploring, learning and teaching. Quinton Jones Kelly Howard~ 4 months and 15 days Miracle #2, almost crawling to join brother on the exploring path. Named after all of his Grandpas. Already a major communicator;~)

RockYou FXText


Anita said...

You need an update for miracle #3

All For Averys! said...

I do!!! I have been horrible at this but not any more I hope...let's see if I can keep it up :)