Friday, February 5, 2010

Do NOT Talk To Strangers!

We spend forever teaching our children not to talk to strangers, you just don't! It's sad but that is how it almost has to be in this time of our lives. We worked really hard with the boys not to unless Mommie and Daddy have talked to them or told them that it is OK. Well, that can backfire....Today I went to Xzavior's IEP meeting at his preschool and although I still have my doubts we are moving forward with him in this program. The only skill that he is truly lacking is toddler social skills, as in he hasn't had much socialization with toddlers his age, but he has had some. And they play as well together as toddlers do. What's mine is mine and what's your's is's the toddlers creed. Anyhow, he does most of what they expect, if not more at home. The problem we have is that he will not, WILL NOT, do it for very many other people. This is where the talking and interacting with strangers is a problem. Because he would not make eye contact with or interact very much with a woman that he has never met, in a place he has never been....he has "slow development".....seriously people? On the other hand when we go to the VA...he tests out average to above average. But he would not talk to these strangers sooooo here we are. I have just barely begun letting them go to other peoples houses for a few hours here and there and under emergency situations he has had some good long spells away from us and with other little people. But mostly he is around older kids or way younger kidlets and so his socialization is a bit scattered.

Hopefully it only takes him a few days to warm up to these people and then maybe he will talk to them. I am also hoping that he will use more of his previous vocabulary again because he is with kidlets his age and a few teachers.

Other then this I believe I will still be homeschooling and intermixing a few school classes and activities to round the boys out. I just want what is best for my boys and that is not always what is best for everyone else. One day at a time~~~
Mommie and Xzavior age 3.5

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Happy New Year 2010

~Docen Malequi rockin the tuxedo shirt~

~Quinton Jones, the happy little horn blower~
~Xzavior Lee, banged up and still celebrating~

~Docen's friend and baby cage match apponent Mason Lee~


Everyone says that this is a Single Persons Holiday...when did that happen? I think it's another holiday that you can make special, build tradition and strengthen your family on. I pray that this year has much better things in store for us then last year. However, alot of what went on may have been doors closing to open know what they say, sometimes it's just hard to see. Business was hard, we had to move abruptly in the hottest weather ever while I was almost 9 months pregnant, and cars were a little difficult to say the least but we made it thru and our FAMILY was blessed with Docen in 2009 and a whole nother year of wonderful toddler giggle filled days. I am sad that another year is passing for that reason and mainly that reason kidlets are growing up!! But here is to a new year of learning, laughing, smiling, smushing, nosies and kisses, big hugs, time outs and sorry hugs, exploring, climbing, cooking and baking, and our family growing stronger spiritually~mentally and physically and all the wonderfulness that only the boys can bring to Zac and I.


We LOVE you all~The Averys

Cheap Date/Family Fun

Big Boy Quinton Jones at the movies!

So, like most parents who have more bills then money, we are always looking for family activities that are fun and inexpensive....or better yet free! Well, we went to the movies, all 5 of us for a total of $10.00 and that includes a large bucket of popcorn..."Get out!!!" you say :0)

It's true... Husband is always looking things up(and I tell you we are prime for Jeopardy our heads are so full of useless, wonderful info) and he found a few $2.00 theatres. Yes folks, you heard right $2.00!! And hold on to your hats it gets better....on Tuesdays it's a whole dollar. So if you're thinking, "I've got a dollar, I've got a dollar, I've got a dollar... Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey!" You could actually go to a movie. We saved $32.00! Can it get better? For us it did...3 and under are free. We had no idea, so we paid $4.00 for tickets and decided that we could splurge on the popcorn for $6.00.

We saw Planet 51 and it was pretty cute. The boys really enjoyed it and were great but got a little ancy towards the did seem pretty long. To make it a bit harder to sit thru it was hotter than H~E~Double Hockey Sticks in there...which lead me to think maybe they only have to charge to make sure that the heating bill is paid for. LOL :oP